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Sending Email using servers

Most Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Telstra Big Pond deny access to external SMTP servers on port 25. The reason for this is ISPs are trying to control the amount of SPAM sent by their network users by stopping them accessing 3rd party servers for sending mail. This could be causing you a problem when sending emails from your domain that is hosted with us.

For this reason, you will need to use your ISP mail server for SMTP (no authentication required in most cases). If you have signed up for an ADSL Internet account with Nete-Quette then you can use the SMPT Server: (if you are an interstate subscriber then you need to substitute the nsw for your state)
click here for a video tutorial if you are using Outlook

or click here for a video tutorial if you use Outlook express

Other ISP SMTP Servers are listed below:
Incoming mail server:
Outgoing mail server:

Incoming mail server:
Outgoing mail server:


CPanel Hosting service clients
Only to be used by clients subscribed to Web Hosting services (Bronze, Silver, Gold or Platinum hosting users):

SMTP server hostname: mail.yourdomain
Note: replace yourdomain with the name of your hosted domain name e.g.
Authentication required: same settings as Incoming
Alternative SMTP port: 465

By updating the default SMTP port to 465, you are effectively changing your SMTP connection to use SSL. Clicking to use SSL for SMTP is another way of changing the SMTP port to 465.


Nete-Quette Domains